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A search for 'The King's Speech' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
20 matches in composers
  1. Rob King
  2. E. King
  3. Eva King
  4. King D.
  5. Roger King
  6. Peter King
  7. King Kanobby
  8. King Britt
  9. Kaki King
  10. Alastair King
  11. John King
  12. King Palmer
  13. Harry King
  14. Carole King
  15. Pete King
  16. Denis King
  17. Brian King
  18. George King
  19. Andrew Allen King
  20. David Archbold King

5762 matches in tracks
  1. The King's Speech - The King's Speech (03:49)
    from 100 Greatest Film Themes - Take 3
    The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra
  2. The King's Speech (03:54)
    from King's Speech, The
  3. The King's Speech (03:54)
    from King's Speech, The
  4. The King’s Speech (03:27)
    from Kongens Nei
  5. The King's Speech (03:54)
    from King's Speech, The
  6. Speech before Harfleur (King Henry): 'Once more unto the breach' (03:04)
    from Richard III
  7. Speech before Harfleur (King Henry): 'Once more unto the breach' (03:04)
    from Chronicle History Of King Henry The Fifth With His Battell At Agincourt In France, The
  8. Speech before Harfleur (King Henry): 'Once more unto the breach' (03:04)
    from First Of The Few, The
  9. A Generous and Compassionate Country (RFK Speech) (00:24)
    from Bobby
    RFK Speech
  10. Pitt's Speech (00:00)
    from Elizabeth Taylor In London
    incl. Wlliam Pitt-Speech spoken by Elizabeth Taylor
  11. Speech behind Speech (05:37)
    from Derrick
  12. The King's Diary - The King's Finances - The King's English (02:56)
    from Young Bess
  13. The King's Diary - The King's Finances - The King's English (02:56)
    from Red House, The
  14. The King's Diary / The King's Finances / The King's English (03:01)
    from Young Bess
  15. The King's Diary / The King's Finances / The King's English (03:01)
    from Spectacular Film Music Of Miklos Rozsa, The Vol.3
  16. Death of King King: The Aeroplane/King... (03:42)
    from King Kong
  17. His Name Was King (01:58)
    from Django Unchained
    (Bacalov) Vocal: Edda Dell'Orso, from LO CHIAMAVANO KING (1971)
  18. Lo chiamavono King (theme song / Luis Bacalov) (02:00)
    from West Goes To Pop
    Lo chiamavano King
  19. Lo chiamavono King (theme song / Luis Bacalov) (02:00)
    from Ehi Amico... C'è Sabata, Hai Chiuso!
    Lo chiamavano King
  20. Lo chiamavono King (theme song / Luis Bacalov) (02:00)
    from Lo Chiamavano King
    Lo chiamavano King
Show all 5762 matching tracks